jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011



0215 Left Western Harbour
0230 Paseed Eastern Area
Sea Calm
Slightly off mark
0530 Anchored off Cap Cris Nez.
0615 Row-boat goes ashore with "Daily Mail"
Obscerver. Sky clear,some haze.
Sun getting warmer.
Scene now quite colourful with craft of all sizes off shore and continuous activity. Great crowds on the beach where swimmers are being greased up. The International flavour of the event emphasised by singing in french and the shouts of the Egytians.
0620 The swimmers emerge from the crowds and walk down to the water edge. An aeroplane circles overhead as they wait for the word "go".
0625 A perfect settingin bright sunshine. Vast crowd now straining to see the start.
0730 START OF THE SWIM All swimmers appear to have cleared without incident. Daniel swimming strongly. Course N. W. x W. Thomas Fogg reports swimmer is suffering from a
pulled stomach muscle
0815 22 S.P.M
0830 FIRST HOUR Good progress. All swimmers still in sight but apreading out.
0930 SECOND HOUR 22 S.P.M. Course N.W. Sea dead calm. Slight breeze.
0945 First food - Beef Extract and fresh water rinse.
1030 THIRD HOUR Still dead calm. Daniel in pain.
1035 Food - lump sugar. Condition somewhat distressed.
1040 Ferry from Boulogne passes on Port side.
1100 Dinard passed on Port side in direction of Boulogne. 22 S.P.M.
1130 FOURTH HOUR Course N.W. Daniel now better and closing the distance between himself and leadind swimmers.
Weather still perfect with slight breeze. French coast now almost out of sigth.
Position as far as can be seen is "June Rose" well ahead with the Canadian girl Winnis Roach & Brenda Fisher just behind and Daniel fourth.
1215 English coast now in sight.
1230 FIFTH HOUR Daniel Swimming well.
Lying second to Morvan in the "June Rose"with Brenda Fisher slightly behind and Winnie Roach dropping back.
1245 Visit from Press launch who say we lay second.
1300 Unidentified cross-channel steamer flying French flags passed across our bows.
Daniel given aspirins.
1330 SIXTH HOUR Change in weather conditions.
Sun partly obscured, sky cludy and sea choppy. Daniel swimming strongly, but having a lot of pain.
1405 Daniel given hot tea and glucose.
Seems better and swimming well.
"June Rose" still a long way ahead.
Brenda Fisher level with us on our Port side
1415 Large vessel thougth to be "Royal Daffodil" passing well to Port.
1430 SEVENTH HOUR Sky overcoast.
Sun out for only short periods.
Course N.W.N.
St. Margaret' s Bay quite clear on our Port side.
1445 Goodwin Lightship and wrecks can now be clearly seen.
Press launch taking photographs of Daniel.
1450 Daniel asks for hot tea. Having a lot of pain.
1505 "Royal Daffodil" approaches crowded with passengers who give Daniel a great cheers.
1520 Slack tide. "June Rose" change course.
1530 EIGTH HOUR in position well up to the Goodwins, with turn of tide now due.
23 S.P.M.
1545 Daniel given aspirins and water.
1600 Daniel given chicken and weak tea with glucose
1610 John Burwell in "June Rose" finally change couse to West.
Our course still N.W.W.
Daniel still swimming well but in pain from indigestion.
1630 NINETH HOUR Position a mils or two off the Goodwins between S. and E.
Tanker "World Liberty" passes at speed.
Daniel again stops for food. Loses valuable time.
1700 Pilot expresses some doubt as to whether we are in favourable position. Considers the tide may take us down past Dover if we cannot hurry. Swimmer is asked for and extra effort and responds
1720 Daniel again stops and asks for food.
It seems that the race and even the swim may be lost at this stage when every minute counts.
1730 TENTH HOUR Swedish Ship "Anna Salen" passes forward.
Sea dead calm, no wind.
1745 S.S. "Prince Albert" passes forward on route for Dover.
1800 Cargo vessel "Volsella", Shell Mex owned.
Now moving inshore, but Daniel continues to stop and is apparently in considerable pain. Frequent doses of bicarbonate taken in effort to get relief.
1805 "June Rose" has now pulled ahead and almost out of sight. Appears to be going straight in to land. Brenda Fisher of Grimsby also going in more to the Deal side and well ahead of us.
1830 ELEVENTH HOUR Swimming in straight line for St. Margaret s Bay, but still some four miles out and drifting towards Dover. Very slow progress with frequent stops.
1910 Weather continues yo be perfect. No wind and sea flat calm.
Scattered over the horizon many competition boats can be seen, but is not posible to tell who they are with the exception of Morvan, now almost landed, and Brenda Fisher who seems to have gone a good way to the North, but roughly on a level with us and some distance behind the Canadian girl, Winnie Roach.
Daniel has put up a plucky fight in face of much pain over the whole distance, and there can be little doubt that results would have been very different had he not been suffering from violent stomach pains.
1920 Sun setting slowly. Still making slow progress towards shore
1930 TWELTH HOUR Close inshore with about a mile to go and slack water.
Morvan appears to have landed, we may just make it in daylight. Daniel in agony and it seems imposible for anyone to swimm in such pain.
1945 Getting dangerous near Eastern arm. Hope he will not taken round outside the harbour.
1950 Sun setting almost immediately behind Dover Castle. Very impressive.
2000 Twickenham Ferry passes and gives siren signal.
In line with Eastern entrance and may possibly have to take him through the harbour entrance.
2010 Rocket goes up from directions of St. Maragaret¨s Bay. Brenda Fisher has made it.
Daniel in a bad way. Trying to make the Eastern Harbour entrance now.
2030 THIRTEENTH HOUR Great struggles to get through the harbour entrance. Makin great effort.
Terrific fight but nearly there.
2035 Trough harbour entrance, but still long swimm.
2045 Half way accros the harbour. Very slow.
2055 Peter Dave goes into water to encourage Daniel.
2110 Swimmer nearly run down by motor launch in the darkness.
2115 Daniel lands near to the Eastern Harbour gates.
Time: 13 hours 45 minutes.

Given tremendous reception by enormous crowd.

Fiel transcripción de la bitacora que me dejara mi "hermano" DANIEL CARPIO

1 comentario:

  1. Me parece muy interesante este blog ya que puedo obtener mayor conocimiento.
